Blog #9 (Tiger Salamanders)
1. Tiger Salamander Care Sheet by John Clare
2. April 2014 Reptiles Magazine Online
3. I chose this article because the salamander doesn't look like a normal one. He has beady big eyes and is quite chunky.
4. I chose this article because not many people keep salamanders as pets. Usually you can find them out in the wild under a rock in a stream. Tiger Salamanders are also considered a single species and is very interactive. Salamanders are also even more challenging to feed than frogs/toads.
5. I learned these salamanders come in a variety of colors. They can come in bright creamy yellow stripes on dark brown background to pure blue-gray and even black with little orange spots. Some of the markings on the salamanders are also very interesting to look at. Also, Tiger Salamanders have the biggest recorded land salamander recorded exceeding 14 inches.
6. Are these Salamanders easy to catch?
7a. No, I wouldn't want to purchase a tiger salamander. I wouldn't be patient enough to wait to feed them since their difficult.
b. Typical prices - $30-$50.
c. They can be purchase at backwater reptiles for $30 and at for $28.
d. Yes! 2 color morphs, yellow stripe & orange spots.
f. -
g. Yes they are endangered.
h. You only need a permit if you are keeping more than 4 tiger salamanders.
i. No controversy
8. Tiger salamanders need a container with an aquatic side and land side. As larvae they like the water side more, but can drown. They are picky eaters but do enjoy beetles, earthworms and crickets.
9. This is a beginner animal because it's terrarium is easy maintenance and they are just very chill except hard to feed at times.
10. The most interesting thing about these salamanders are their orange spot morph. :)