Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tiger Salamander

Blog #9 (Tiger Salamanders)

1. Tiger Salamander Care Sheet by John Clare

2. April 2014 Reptiles Magazine Online

3. I chose this article because the salamander doesn't look like a normal one. He has beady big eyes and is quite chunky. 

4. I chose this article because not many people keep salamanders as pets. Usually you can find them out in the wild under a rock in a stream. Tiger Salamanders are also considered a single species and is very interactive. Salamanders are also even more challenging to feed than frogs/toads. 

5. I learned these salamanders come in a variety of colors. They can come in bright creamy yellow stripes on dark brown background to pure blue-gray and even black with little orange spots. Some of the markings on the salamanders are also very interesting to look at. Also, Tiger Salamanders have the biggest recorded land salamander recorded exceeding 14 inches. 

6. Are these Salamanders easy to catch?
7a. No, I wouldn't want to purchase a tiger salamander. I wouldn't be patient enough to wait to feed them since their difficult. 
b. Typical prices - $30-$50.
d. Yes! 2 color morphs, yellow stripe & orange spots.
f. -
g. Yes they are endangered. 
h. You only need a permit if you are keeping more than 4 tiger salamanders. 
i. No controversy

8. Tiger salamanders need a container with an aquatic side and land side. As larvae they like the water side more, but can drown. They are picky eaters but do enjoy beetles, earthworms and crickets.

9. This is a beginner animal because it's terrarium is easy maintenance and they are just very chill except hard to feed at times. 

10. The most interesting thing about these salamanders are their orange spot morph. :) 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

All Hail The California Kingsnake

Blog #8 (California Kings)

1. All Hail The California Kingsnake by Maria Scully

2. Reptiles Magazine Online, March 2014

3. I chose this article because california kings are a very popular snake this is known by all reptile lovers.

4. I liked that this is a snake native to the U.S. finally! It can be found in Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and of course, Cali. Kingsnakes are ophiophagus which means they can eat other snakes. Another favorite snack of the Cali king is bird eggs.

5. I learned that there are a ton of morphs of Cali kings. Some of them include chocolate n yellow, zebra type, and lavender banded. In the wild they are naturally striped with brown or white patterns. I know we have kings in the back so maybe I can associate with them more now :)

6. No Questions - 

7a. Yes, I would purchase a kingsnake because they adapt well and have a calm temperament. 
b. Cali Kings are about $40-90
c. They can be purchase at for about $40-50 and at for about $70-$130.
d. Yes! Many morphs, about 15.
e. Morphs cost around the higher end except albinos.
f. Morphs --->
g. No they aren't endangered.
h. No permit.
i. No controversy

8. Cali kings like a tank with a heat lamp and a water dish to soak in. They also eat pinkies, but may have a hard time at first adjusting to eating them. Overall, they are very simple to care for.

9. This animal is a beginner snake because of how laid back they are and how easy they are to take care of.

10. The most interesting thing about Cali Kings is that they look scary, but they really aren't. 

Firefighter Saves Boa Constrictor From Burning House!

Blog #7 (The Saved Boa)

1. Firefighter Saves Boa Constrictor From Burning House by John Virata

2. Reptile Magazine Online, Published in March 2014. 

3. I chose this article just because most people are scared of snakes and it was cool that a firefighter would save a pet like that. Boas are big snakes! 

4. I liked that this story came from Muskegon, Michigan! The house ended up burning down but all humans and animals were rescued safely :) Hemmelsbach, the reptile savior firefighter, agreed to go into the house to save the beloved pet. Just like our reptile team, he participated in one in high school which was pretty awesome. Impressive that he knew how to handle a startled 7 ft. boa name chocolate chip.

5. I learned that there are other people out there that have normal jobs, but have a passion for reptiles. It's cool that he took a small skill (snake handling) that he learned in high school and applied it to his job. Not many people would go in a burning house to save a 7 ft. snake that is frightened. It's especially cool that this came from Michigan too. 

6. No questions -

7. -

8. -

9. This animal is definitely an expert level animal because of how big they are and how startling they can be. They are "constrictors" after all.

10. The most interesting thing about boas is how big they can get!

Panther Chameleon's

Blog #6 (Panther Chameleon's)

1. Breeding Panther Chameleon's by Chad New

2. Reptiles Magazine Online, April 2014
3. I chose this article because when I was at VI pets I noticed the chameleons in one of the terrariums and they looked very interesting. I figured learning more about them would be cool. 

4. I liked that the author gave specific information on how to mate chameleon's for people who may not know how. Chameleon's are most active around 8 months old to breed. Females tend to be 2-4 inches longer than the males, but mate around the same age also. When a female doesn't want to mate she will turn black, hiss and try to bite the male. When she wants to mate, she will turn a nice salmon color. This is just a little detail on how to know when a chameleon is ready to breed.

5. I learned that when female chameleons do actually mate they will lay eggs at about 15 days. These eggs will be in numbers from 15-20 usually. Hatchlings like to be misted and fed frequently with fruit flies. These chameleons can come in many different colors. Once they are about 3-4 months old they are ready to be separated.

6. Is there a color a chameleon can't change too? How did they adapt this unique physical feature?

7a. Yes! I would love a chameleon :) They seem easy to care for, aren't skittish, don't smell and can be handled.
b. $150-$260
c. They can be purchased at for around $150-$250 and at for $180-$400.
d. A Panther is a morph a veiled chameleon!
e. -
f. -
g. Generally, chameleons aren't endangered. There are over 80 species of them and maybe 3-4 are in trouble.
h. No permit.
i. No controversy

8. An all screen tall enclosure is very typical for a chameleon to live in. They love tiki tiki trees made of bamboo to climb and rest on. They also need a mister to keep them healthy and at right temps. Heat lamps on for half the day is also nice for them. They enjoy small bugs and some fruit for their diet. 

9. This is a beginner animal because of how low maintenance they are and how they can be handled.

10. The most interesting thing is definitely that they can change colors! Not many animals can. 

Blue Tongue Skinks

Blog #5 (Blue Tongue Skinks)

1. Blue Tongue Skink Care Sheet by Phil Goss

2. Reptiles Magazine Online, March 2014

3. I chose this article because I haven't done a big lizard blog yet. 

4. I liked how the author of the article thoroughly addressed the care of a blue tongued skink. They are big lizards that should be kept alone because they like to fight. I also liked that he included that they have a very hardy diet. He also listed all the different food Skins can consume. It's a long list of fruits and vegetables.

5. I learned that skins are available seasonally around July- August. They also need specific temperatures to help with their thermoregulation. This helps them maintain temperature, absorb vitamins and remain healthy. They also have a very wide diet range and like a lot of fruits.
6. Why are skinks tongues blue?

7a. No, I don't want that big of a lizard. Plus, I feel like they'd be kinda stinky and agressive.
b. Skinks are in between $150-5,000 (if you want a rare skink)
c. They can be purchased at for $160 and at for unknown prices. 
d. Yes, an albino and bluey morph.
e. Morphs are more expensive costing around $300-500.
f -
g. No, not endangered.
h. No permit needed to keep one. 
i. No controversy.

8. Skinks need rather large cages as they grow and should be house alone. They like temperatures between 75-82 degrees. They have a wide diet and are hardy eaters. They also like rocks to sit on in their enclosures. 
9. This would be a beginner animal because of how calm they are and they aren't very picky or specific on what they eat.

10. I like that this lizard has a blue tongue :)