Monday, May 19, 2014


Blog #16 (Uromastyx's)

1. Uromastyx Care Sheet

2. Reptiles Magazine Online, May 2014

3. I chose this article because I have never seen or heard of a Uromastyx lizard before. 

6. Why does the Uro in the article look so different in the one we keep in our room? Different morph?

7a. Yes, I would probably purchase a Uro because they are pretty docile and are easy to look after and cute.
b. Uro's range in prices from $80-$230 dollars.
c. Uro's can be purchased at for $80 & at for varied prices of $55-$130.
d. Uro's come in many morphs like orange, teal, black, and some come with bands. 
e. Morphs are on the higher side around $100-$300.
f. --->
g. Currently, the Uro's are on the extinction list in Egypt where they come from.
h. No permit -
i. No controversy - 

8. Uro's enjoy mixed greens, seeds, blossoms and pellets to snack on. They also enjoy a terrarium with sand and rocks to bask on with light temps of 85-90 degrees. They also can be caged with other Uro's or bearded's. 

9. This is a beginner animal most definitely. 

10. The most interesting thing about the Uro is the interesting morphs and there spiny tail. 

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