Blog #16 (Uromastyx's)
1. Uromastyx Care Sheet
2. Reptiles Magazine Online, May 2014
3. I chose this article because I have never seen or heard of a Uromastyx lizard before.
4. I liked how the article introduced the Uro. It said that it comes from the same family that bearded and frills come from. There are over 18 species of Uro's around the world. Except, there are a lot of traded Uro's around the world, so if you are interested in purchasing one you should have it checked for disease and parasites. Just overall make sure you get a healthy lizard.
5. I learned that as I read on in this article that we have a Uro in the reptile room, I had just never noticed him before. Uro's can get between 10-18 inches in size and can live up to 15 years old. The oldest recorded exceeded 30 years old! They also enjoy bright hot lights in their environment which helps stimulate feeding and digestion.
6. Why does the Uro in the article look so different in the one we keep in our room? Different morph?
7a. Yes, I would probably purchase a Uro because they are pretty docile and are easy to look after and cute.
b. Uro's range in prices from $80-$230 dollars.
c. Uro's can be purchased at for $80 & at for varied prices of $55-$130.
d. Uro's come in many morphs like orange, teal, black, and some come with bands.
e. Morphs are on the higher side around $100-$300.
f. --->
g. Currently, the Uro's are on the extinction list in Egypt where they come from.
h. No permit -
i. No controversy -
8. Uro's enjoy mixed greens, seeds, blossoms and pellets to snack on. They also enjoy a terrarium with sand and rocks to bask on with light temps of 85-90 degrees. They also can be caged with other Uro's or bearded's.
9. This is a beginner animal most definitely.
10. The most interesting thing about the Uro is the interesting morphs and there spiny tail.
are you sure they can be kept with other beardes