Blog #18 (White's Treefrogs)
1. White's Treefrog Care Sheet
2. Reptiles Magazine Online, May 2014
3. I chose this article because I haven't done a blog on an amphibian yet and these little guys' eyes are huge!
4I love how the author introduced the tree frog. They described them as "smiley", "personable" and "chubby". These tree frogs are actually a very popular pet. Their genus is Litoria which contains 181 frog species in Australia.
5. I learned that White's Treefrogs are about 3-4 inches long and come in green or brown and sometimes jade or turquoise. Their eyes face forward and they have sticky toe pads instead of webs. They love hot enclosures with branches to perch and friends to play with. They also enjoy crickets in their diet and sometimes things like oranges and sweet potatoes to stick on.
6. No Questions-
7a. Yes, I would keep a White's Treefrog as a pet! They are simple and cute.
b. Prices range around $25-$50.
c. They can be found at backwater reptiles and pet co for similar prices. &
d. They can come in a jadeish or turquiose color.
e. Morphs are around the same price of $50.
f. --->
g. This species is not endangered.
h. No permit-
i. No controversy-
8. Care requirement include a simple terrarium with hot lighting, a water dish, branches to perch on, maybe some buddies to hang with and crickets to eat.
9. This is a beginner animal! It's just a frog :)
10. The most interesting thing about this animal is still their huge eyes and feet.
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